How To Give Up Alcohol

Learn the What's in & What's Out For Hangover Remedies

There are currently many hangover remedies proposed to cure and heal the effect of hangover. There are the traditional homemade hangover remedies and the modern scientifically proven hangover remedies offered for the sufferers to try, in hope to eliminate the morning-after effects.

This article will briefly highlight what's in and what's out a.k.a which remedies are effective and which are ineffective.


1) Drinking water or fruit juice

Water will help to rehydrate the body and replenish the lost moisture.

2) Diet with lots of mineral essentials

Alcohol dehydrate not only water but also the essential minerals and salts. Therefore, one should start eating healthy diet with lots of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc.

3) Exercise

This may sounds almost impossible as one may not even able to get up from bed. Exercise can help the heart pump in blood all over the body and this increases the oxygen level in the body.

4) Vitamins

Taking vitamins such as Vitamin C and B12 help to speed up recovery and restore the body's immune system.

5) Sleep

Enough rest is crucial to help the body to recover from the morning-after effect. Therefore make sure enough sleep is included in the must do hangover remedies.


1) Drinking caffeine.

Caffeine will only continues to dehydrate, so it is a definite no-no.

2) Narcotics and drugs

Narcotics along with alcohol or shortly after consumption is dangerous in itself because of added depressant effects on the central nervous system.

3) Drinking more alcohol

A very bad way of dealing with hangovers because of the strain it puts on the liver and stomach.

4) Hair of the dog

A famous hangover remedy , that is to treat the wound of a dog bite with the hair of the dog that bit you. However,when applied to hangover, it means, if you have had too much, take a glass of the same wine the next morning to soothe the nerves. This won't really work as it will further cause dehydration and might harm your body system severely.

To cure hangover, whether its a traditional the clinical remedy, one should really ask for opinions and see which one is the most suitable as these remedies may have different effects and effectiveness from one person to another.

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