Rather than treating your hangover with a cure the next day, you may have realised that the best way to avoid getting hungover is simply to prevent it rather than waiting until you the next day when the pain is already there.
The unfortunate truth is that many of us forget to take a vitamin drink or to have the right amounts of water, fruit juice and food after drinking and before sleeping in order to prevent their hangovers.
Why do we forget? Maybe something to do with a slight overindulgence the night before? Despite leaving the multivitamin effervescent pill with liver protection tint on the pillow so we don't forget to take it, the fact is that in our inebriated state, we do sometimes forget, contrary to all the great advice that people give us about how hangovers can be prevented by taking an effervescent multivitamin before sleeping and/or eating a starchy meal after drinking.
We know it's much better and more effective to prevent hangovers rather than waiting until we are already hungover the next day. However, every single drinker can forget and wake up feeling like donkey dung, no matter how clever they are. Even Einstein probably forgot once.
Treating a hangover isn't a simple matter and finding the right cure for your evil, poisonous condition can be a challenge as we all know.
If you're aware of the different levels of hangover you can suffer from, you'll probably be looking to match your condition up with the correct remedy or cure. So for treating each type of hangover the morning after kindly greets you with, we have listed a number of remedies for you:
Hangover type 1. Next Day Buzz
The next day buzz is hardly a real hangover. You'll maybe get away with drinking an espresso coffee and water. Yes coffee is not generally recommended for hangovers, but this time you can give it a go to wake you up as it won't dehydrate you too much, hopefully.
Pop a vitamin drink too and enjoy your lunch.
Hangover type 2. Gas Head
Tired and unable to think too straight or concentrate for too long, you need a bit more of a pick up for treating your languid state.
Drink lots of fruit juice throughout the day and have a multivitamin. Make sure the foods you eat are starch based like pasta and toast and maybe have a banana. Don't eat too much otherwise you may fall asleep.
A sports drink can also hydrate you nicely and pick you up when you're feeling like this.
Hangover type 3. The Classic
To remind you of how you feel:
You still feel a bit drunk the next morning and have a classic next day headache, dry mouth and your guts are moving around a bit. You cannot concentrate and are continually drinking water, although you don't need the toilet.
Hmmm. The recommendation for treating this type of hangover is:
- eggs and bacon
- 2 bananas
- lots of water and fruit juice throughout the day
- an energy drink without caffeine (sports drink)
Hangover type 4. The Beast
Now we're talking. You really overloaded last night if you're suffering from The Beast today. A bee stung your brain, your breath is worse than Rover the dog who just ate a 2 week old steak he found in a bin in the street and you feel like you'll vomit if you even think about alcohol. You're never going to drink again, ever. Well, until Friday maybe.
A tough, delicate condition to overcome.
To get back on track, you need:
- fruit juices, banana juice and tomato juice tend to be very effective
- sugar drinks, (like soda) to rehydrate & increase your blood sugar level
- when you can handle it, eat a banana with honey on it
- big multivitamin pill (preferably effervescent)
- have a hot shower or a bath to sweat out some alcohol, then blast cold water on your face and on your head
- a brisk walk and some fresh air
Try to resist having a painkiller unless your head is really still unbearably painful, even after drinking and eating all. If it's really hard, pop an ibuprofen, but not a tylenol as it can be tough on the liver after alcohol.
Hangover type 5. The Daddy of all Hangovers
If your hangover is any worse than the beast, you must have the Daddy of all hangovers. We feel very sorry for you and we understand what you're going through. As far as a cure goes, you'll just have to stay put, drinking water or sugar drinks before you can stomach anything solid. Try to sleep through the pain.
This is daddy of all hangovers personified, the very essence of the wicked witch of the pounding, shaking, cringing most terrible of aftershocks. You are a complete, gibbering, sweating, shivering mess and will be until next week unless you do something about it.
Everyone's been there, even the most conservative of teetotallers who think having 2 beers in one night is being a bit crazy. Yes, that boy with the square glasses and the green cardigan from the library who acts like he's 45 when he's only 21 has been there too. Probably.
The window to your room is fast shut, the air is stuffy and you've sucked all the oxygen out. Through your slitty, half closed, puffy eyes, you vaguely remember starting off the night on red wine, even though you hardly ever drink it, and you have a fuzzy recollection of some club which you don't have a clue about, at some point in the night, somewhere. That's all. Except you have no idea how you got back into your bed whatsoever.
Trouble avoided at least you think! Great, I'm safe, back and didn't have a fight, end up in a cell or wake up next to a cave troll! Bingo.
Yet about this time, your body's simultaneously telling you something's up - some dark, evil, bubbling potion that passed by your lips is now starting to take its poisonous toll on your head and stomach. Right now as you open those puffy eyes.
You start to wonder if a a bear came along while you were sleeping before you even open your eyes to painful shards of light at around 10am, after only 6 hours sleep.
Not only that, the same bear has then proceeded to jump on your head in the night and boot you in the stomach a few times before stuffing its furry paw down your throat and leaving it there all night.
The headache hits you like your head just got clapped between two ancient Roman gongs when you get up to go to the toilet! You think you're gonna blow chunks, you just make it, but stagger back to bed and try to get back to sleep to get through it. No way!
Any attempt at drinking water or eating and you just vomit. This is one bad momma. Instead of getting better, an hour later you feel even worse!
This time, it seems like only a flat drink of a sugar soda drink and a pain killer (preferably ibuprofen) can do to kill the evil head pains and make eating and drinking bearable. Then, just stay in bed and drink water and a vitamin detox and eat when you're ready to stomach it. It may take a few hours, that's all. Once you feel able to get up, have a hot bath or go for a walk and eat something, to help your body process the alcohol out faster.
Say goodbye to hangovers! http://www.prevent-hangovers.com. A site written by hangover experts for hangover sufferers - we learned the hard way so you don't have to! Find all about how to prevent and avoid hangovers, reduce your hangover symptoms, find what the causes of alcohol hangovers are and pick up some useful tips and natural alcohol detoxification advice.
Fed up of that nasty headache, dry mouth, unsettled stomach and wasting your whole day with a hangover after a few drinks last night? This is the place where you'll find all the prevention tips and remedies you need on treating hangovers! http://www.prevent-hangovers.com.
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