A hangover is what your body feels when you consume too much alcohol the night before. Heavy consumption of drugs or alcohol can deplete the body of much needed nutrients as well as dehydrate it to a critical level.
These are some of the symptoms that come with a hangover are fatigue, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headaches, hot flashes and of course dehydration.
One of the biggest causes of hangovers is congeners. Congeners are linked to the color, taste and aroma of dark alcohol drinks and seem to be tied to hangovers. Drinks like red wines, dark bourbons and stout and dark ales seem to produce a worse hangover than by those drinks that include less congener like vodka and light beers.
Dehydration is also a leading cause of hangovers. The best hangover cure is to drink plenty of water during the time you are consuming alcohol. Drinking water on a one to one basis while consuming alcohol will most definitely reduce and in some cases eliminate your hangover the next morning.
Some say the best hangover cure is to drink water during the time you are consuming alcohol. After the night is over and you are about to turn in for the night drink a sports drink that is filled with B vitamins. Gatorade or Vitamin Water is the two best for this. Drink a pint of water with a multi vitamin or drink a sports drink before bed and this is the best hangover cure.
Once you wake the next morning be sure to eat something light and have some more water. Remember drinking coffee won't help as it contains caffeine and that will just rob your body or hydration and not replenish it.
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